As a customer of ICICIdirect now, you can trade on index and stock futures on NSE. It comes with a comprehensive tracking cum risk management solution to give you enhanced leveraging on your trading limits. In futures trading, you take buy/sell positions in index Condition: Obligation Settlement Futures and Options Trading Courses – ICICI Direct. Foundation Programme on Stock Investing. Beginners Programme on F&O Trading. Technical Analysis. Advanced Derivatives Trading Strategies. Techno Derivative. Professional Traders & Investor Programme. Fundamentals of Investing through VClass. Secret of creating Wealth Profit: Limited to the difference between the option strike and futures price plus premium received in selling a put. Maximum profit occurs when the underlying falls to the level of the lower strike or below. Loss: Losses in the short futures position are protected till the premium received if the underlying rises
As a customer of ICICIdirect now, you can trade on index and stock futures on NSE. It comes with a comprehensive tracking cum risk management solution to give you enhanced leveraging on your trading limits. If, during the course of the contract life, the price moves in your favor rises in case you have a buy position or falls in case you have a sell positionyou make a profit.
In case the price movement is adverse, you incur a loss. However, the risk profile of your transactions goes up. On which exchanges will I be able to buy and sell in futures market? To begin with, ICICIdirect offers its customers execution capability on the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Margin positions can even be converted to delivery if you have the requisite trading limits in case of buy positions and required number of shares in your DP in case of sell position.
There is no such facility available in case of futures position, since all futures transactions are cash settled as per the current regulations. If you wish to convert your future positions into delivery position, futures and options trading on icicidirect, you will have to first square off your transaction in future market and then take cash position in cash market. Another important difference is the availability of even index contracts in futures trading. Which stocks are eligible for futures trading?
Why is the stock list restricted to specific scrips only? At present, we have enabled selected futures and options trading on icicidirect for trading in the futures segment. Only those stocks, which meet the criteria on liquidity and volume have been considered for futures trading. Which contracts under an underlying are enabled for Future trading?
Why is the contract list restricted to specific contracts only under various underlyings? ICICIdirect enables selected contracts under various underlyings for trading in the Futures segment. Only those contracts, which meet the criteria on liquidity and volume are considered for Futures trading.
This is required as there may be a risk of lower liquidity in some contracts as compared to active contracts. As a result, your order may only be partially executed, or may be executed with relatively greater price difference or may not be executed at all. Thereby to safeguard your interest such illiquid contracts are disabled for trading on www. The list of contracts is subject to modification by ICICIdirect from time to time.
Can an enabled contract be disabled later? Yes, futures and options trading on icicidirect, it is possible that ICICIdirect disables a contract that was enabled earlier.
This could happen due to various reasons like the underlying is disabled as it reaches market wide open position limits, the contract has become illiquid or any other reason to safeguard the interest of investors, futures and options trading on icicidirect. Can I futures and options trading on icicidirect off my position once the contract is disabled? Yes, you can square off your open positions using the square off link on the Open Positions page when the contract is disabled for trading.
Only enabled contracts will be displayed for trading on the site when you select contracts either through the 'Place order' link or the Stock list page on www. ACC future contract futures and options trading on icicidirect on 27th Feb, is defined as "Fut-ACCFeb". Wherein "Fut" stands for Futures as derivatives product, "ACC" for underlying stock and "Feb" for expiry date.
An index or stock enabled for trading on futures is called an "Underlying" e. NIFTY index and ACC stock. There may be various tradable contract for the same underlying based on its different expiration period. For example Fut - ACC - 27 FebFut - ACC - 27 Mar and Fut - ACC - 27 Apr are "contracts" available for trading in futures having ACC as "underlying".
In the "Place Order" page, futures and options trading on icicidirect, you need to define the stock code and opt for "Futures" in the "Product" drop down box. On clicking on "Select the contract", the whole list of contracts available in the given stock code expiring in different months would be displayed.
Values like, your E-Invest account no. You need to define the order type i. market or limit, order validity period i. day of GTD, limit price and stop loss trigger price if any. Can I short sell the shares in futures segment i. sell shares which I do not hold in DP? Yes, you can short sell the shares in futures segment. There is no block on your holdings in the demat account.
How much margin would be blocked on placing the futures order? Initially, margin is blocked at the applicable margin percentage of the order value. For market orders, margin is blocked considering the order price as the last traded price of the contract.
Futures and options trading on icicidirect execution of the order, the same is suitably adjusted as per the actual execution price of the market order. The initial margin percentage can be checked from the " Stock List" link on the FNO trading page for all underlying securities. You can check the Margin obligations on your position from the "Know Your Margin" link on FNO trading page.
It may not be futures and options trading on icicidirect. Margin percentage may differ from stock to stock based on the risk involved in the stock, which depends upon the liquidity and volatility of the respective stock besides the general market conditions.
Normally index futures would attract less margin than the stock futures due to comparatively less volatile in nature. In that scenario, you will have to allocate additional funds to continue with open position. Otherwise it may come in MTM loop and squared off because of insufficient margin. It is advisable to keep higher allocation to safeguard the open position from such events. What is meant by 'squaring off ' a position? What is a cover order?
Squaring off a position means closing out a futures position. For example, if you have futures buy position of Reliance expiring on 27 th Febsquaring off this position would mean taking sell position in Reliance expiring on 27 th Feb on or prior to 27 th Feb The order placed for squaring off an open position is called a cover order.
Margin is blocked only on future orders, futures and options trading on icicidirect, which results into increased risk futures and options trading on icicidirect. For calculating the margin at order level, value of all buy orders and sell orders in the same underlying-group is arrived at.
Margin is levied on the higher of two i. if buy orders value is higher than sell order value, futures and options trading on icicidirect buy orders will be margined and vice versa.
In other words, margin is levied at the maximum marginable order value in the same underlying. As mentions above, futures and options trading on icicidirect higher of buy and sell order value is margined. In the above given example, sell order value is greater than buy order value.
What happens if buy or sell orders are placed when there is some open position also in the same underlying? Marginable buy order qty is arrived at by deducting the open net sell position at underlying-group level from the buy order quantity at underlying-group level.
Similarly marginable sell order qty is arrived at by deducting the open net buy position at underlying-group level from the sell order quantity at underlying-group level. For order level margin, marginable buy order value and marginable sell order value would be compared and higher of two would be margined. For example, futures and options trading on icicidirect, there is an open sell position of shares in "Fut - ACC- 29 Apr ".
Marginable buy and sell order quantity would be and respectively. Marginable buy and sell order value would be Rs. How is the initial margin IM on open position is maintained? Moreover, benefit of calendar spread margin may also be available to you in case of spread position. Calendar spread means risk off-setting positions in contracts expiring on different dates in the same underlying. For example, you take buy position for shares in Fut - ACC- 26 Mar and sell position for shares in Fut - ACC- 29 Apr In this example, the balance shares buy position in Fut - ACC- 26 Mar would be non-spread position and would attract initial margin, futures and options trading on icicidirect.
Spread position value is calculated by multiplying the weighted average price of position in far month contract and spread position quantity. However, you will able to view only overall margin figure on open position page. ICICIdirect would decide the contracts, which can form spread positions against each other. Only those contracts, which meet the criteria on liquidity and volume will be considered for spread positions.
Technically, the stocks having low impact cost are included in spread definition. Separate margin is maintained and displayed for spread and non-spread contracts. Lets assume that Future - ACC- 27 Feb and Future - ACC- 26 Mar are included in spread definition and Future - ACC- 29 Apr is kept out of spread definition. If you take buy position for in Future - ACC- 27 Feb and sell position for in Future - ACC- 26 Marbuy position and sell position would form spread.
The same rule applies even at order level. If you place buy order for in Future - ACC- 27 Feb and sell order for in Future - ACC- 26 Marorder having larger value would be margined. ICICIdirect allows the spread position between near month and middle month contract only. At this stage the client will have to provide complete margin required on the positions taken in the near month contract expiring one.
If limit is found insufficient then the position may come into the intra day MTM loop. If it is an execution of a fresh order i. an order which would result into building up an open positionthe margin blocked gets appropriately adjusted for the difference, if any, in the order price at which the margin was blocked and the execution price.
Accordingly the limits are adjusted for differential margin. If it is an execution of a cover order order which would result into square off of an existing open positionthe following impact would be factored into the limits:. If an execution of an order resulting into building up spread position, impact on limits would be in terms of release of differential margin.
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, time: 5:30Future & Options Trading In India - ICICIdirect

12/07/ · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Author: ICICIdirect Futures and Options Trading Courses – ICICI Direct. Foundation Programme on Stock Investing. Beginners Programme on F&O Trading. Technical Analysis. Advanced Derivatives Trading Strategies. Techno Derivative. Professional Traders & Investor Programme. Fundamentals of Investing through VClass. Secret of creating Wealth Options Trading On Icicidirect It is a retail investment and trading arm of ICICI Securities which. Margin and hace does vanguard have options trading are also available upon request] FUTURES & OPTIONS SEGMENT [NSCC/F&0/C&S/ [DECEMBER 13
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